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Shrewsbury Ark a part of Shropshire Council’s multi-agency team supporting rough sleepers

We were delighted to hear Shropshire Council has been awarded £2.5 million following two successful bids for funding to support rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping.

£1.4m has been awarded to Council provide substance misuse treatment and support services for rough sleepers and people at risk of rough sleeping. The money is part of the Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant provided by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

The funding will support the county in meeting the intended outcomes of the national drug strategy by helping to reduce drug-related deaths, reducing alcohol-related hospital admissions and increasing the number of successful individuals in treatment.

Shropshire Council is using the funds to develop a multi-agency team (MDT) to provide holistic wrap-around support and drug and alcohol treatment for rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping across the county.

We are thrilled Shropshire Council has invited us to be a part of this MDT, working with other organisations including Shropshire Recovery Partnership, the Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust (MPFT), Connexus, and Intuitive Thinking Skills to provide substance misuse treatment and support for rough sleepers and people at risk of rough sleeping.

A further £1.1m has been awarded to Shropshire Council to build upon the work it has achieved during the pandemic, to reduce the level of rough sleeping in the area.

This funding will allow the council to continue with the work already being undertaken and further enhance its work to support rough sleepers; to address any issues that are preventing those rough sleeping from moving into accommodation; and finding pathways into permanent accommodation with support to ensure that the accommodation is sustained. This award is provided to fund services over a three-year period, supporting the Government’s Rough Sleeping Initiative 2022-25.

Emily Bell, Chair of the Ark says: “Through our partnerships with many of the county’s organisations, businesses and charities, we are proud to be bringing integrated care services into the Ark.

“This partnership with Shropshire Council and the other organisations, some of which we already work with, will enhance the services we already host in the Ark. We are very much looking forward to being a part of this multi-agency team to support and help the Shropshire’s most vulnerable to move forward with their lives.”

Moving into the new premises has enabled us to expand activities and support services including GP clinics, mental health and counselling sessions, addiction abstinence programmes and heptology clinics. Plus, people can get involved in personal skills classes including literacy and computer sessions, creative writing, sculpture and art activities.

The Ark is facing increasing costs; the move to new premises and cost of living has seen operating costs raise, particularly for energy (our two washing machines and driers, and two showers are in constant use) and staff, and with over 50 people coming through our doors each day, there has been a significant increase in numbers of people calling on our services.

You can help us help people make positive changes in their lives by:

- Making a donation via our page on the Charities Aid Foundation. Click here to make a regular or one-off donation online now. (Please remember to Gift Aid your donation – This means we will receive tax benefits and help ensure your donation goes further.)

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If you would like to join our team of Queens Award Volunteers, get in touch! We have lots of volunteer opportunities. Email us at or telephone us via 01743 363305 to register an interest.

If you’re concerned about someone sleeping rough, let us know about rough sleepers in your area via Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 or online at We will action your report, locating the person of concern, helping them to get off the streets as soon as possible and supporting them to remain in their own home.

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