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Moving on support

In Accommodation

Finding accommodation is just the first step for many of the people who use our services.

We provide ongoing support for people, both practically and emotionally, to feel secure and supported for as long as it takes to feel truly safe and confident they can manage on their own in their new home.


Many of the people who come through our doors have never learned the basic life skills many of us take for granted, such as cooking, managing money and cleaning.


Our team supports people to stay in their own homes, taking them shopping and teaching them how to manage finances and to cook nutritious meals (and the occasional yummy treats) on a budget. 


Our team work with other agencies to ensure that person still using other relevant support services; that way, they are less likely to find themselves on the streets again.

To help kit out the home, our team works with other relevant local charities, help with decorating, setting up utilities and services such WIFI.

Most importantly our team is always there to listen, to work through problems and deal with any issues before they escalate.

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